
LMS vs. LXP: Understanding the Key Differences

Last Updated on
December 17, 2021
Alicja King

LMS, LXP (or LEP)... We are hearing more and more about these online learning platforms. In line with the ever-increasing involvement of digital technology in our lives, LMSs and LXPs are online social learning systems that are revolutionising training methods. They are suitable for everyone and are known to improve employee engagement. Indeed, the agility of these learning solutions is ideal for upskilling. Let's take a closer look:

  • What is the definition of an LMS?
  • What is the definition of an LXP?
  • What are the differences between an LMS and an LXP?

Find out everything you need to know about LMSs and LXPs.

What is the definition of an LMS?

You want to optimise the skills of your teams and are starting to hear about LMSs? It's normal, this type of social learning platform is becoming more and more widespread. The reason is simple: they are agile tools, ideal for delivering training courses and content in a way that breaks with the traditional method and optimises the organisation. The social commitment to the learning path is also strengthened. LMS stands for Learning Management System. This name is translated into French as Système de Gestion de l'Apprentissage.

In concrete terms, an LMS training platform is an online social learning platform. Everything is done remotely, as the content is delivered via LMS software installed on a computer or smartphone.

LMS platforms are described as simple online tools for managing training devices. Their undeniable advantage lies in their digital nature. Indeed, with an LMS, everything is done in e-learning. LMSs therefore benefit from the undeniable advantages of e-learning.

For example, for your teams of learners and employees, using an LMS means...

  • the possibility of learning from their office or even from home,
  • the possibility of interacting with other learners, learning on these media following a social organisation, for greater commitment,
  • interactive learning content thanks to the potential of the LMS tool,
  • varied and very complete content that can be easily updated by the trainers,
  • no more transport, no more precise timetables: they can be trained at the time they want, and in particular make the most of their downtime.

For you, the company training manager, using an LMS platform means

  • the possibility of training a large number of people at the same time (no more room capacity problems),
  • agile training that is easy and simple to manage,
  • a better dialogue with your learners thanks to the social organisation allowing you to communicate and interact with each other.
  • statistics and data provided by the LMS platform,
  • Less expensive training (no room rental, trainer's salary, employee expenses).

An LMS is therefore a type of e-learning platform that allows for optimised training courses, reduced learning budgets in the long term and time savings for you and your teams.

What is the definition of an LXP?

In addition to LMS learning solutions, there is another type of platform for learners: LXPs. These online solutions are, in this case, focused on the user experience and also very conducive to a stronger commitment to training. In particular, it is the learner's learning experience that is the focus of the LXP tools' training method. This is no longer a Learning Management System but a Learning Experience Platform.

The particularity of the LXP or LEP platform is that, in order to improve the learning experience of your employees, its content is more specific. It is still e-learning, as in the case of an LMS solution, however, LXP's use micro-learning in particular. The content of LXP or LEP is short, highly interactive and more personalised according to the objectives, the context and also the learning experience of each of your company's employees. In this way, on an LXP medium, the organisation of each learning path is even more specific to the needs of each employee, to the targeted competencies that he or she must achieve.

Neither the LXP medium nor the LMS solution is more advantageous or recent than the other. They are simply two social learning methods with complementary content, organisation and solutions. Although we speak of "LMS platform" and "LXP or LEP platform", the two types of media can be combined in the same software.

What are the differences between an LMS and an LXP?

There are three major differences between LMS support and LXP (LEP) solution:

  • The idea and the action
  • Personalised training
  • Motivating and social training

Let's look at each of these differences between LMS and LXP:

  • Idea and action:

LMSs are generally considered to be more idea-oriented, whereas LXPs are more action-oriented. LMSs facilitate the creation and distribution of good content and learning modules.

LXP's, on the other hand, with their emphasis on microlearning and user experience, are more advantageous for the practice and application of new skills.

  • Personalised training:

As mentioned, the LXP platform is, in essence, user experience driven. Therefore, it logically provides a more personalised training path than an LMS. One of the particularities of LXP is the use of a technology called machine learning. This is translated into French as "automatic learning" and refers to the use of artificial intelligence. The latter works from all the data collected on the LXP about the learner's activities. It then draws up personalised content, suggestions, exercises and activities that correspond more closely to the user's tastes and needs.

Although it is possible to offer more personalised training on an LMS, this will not depend on automation but on human work, which will therefore take longer.

  • Motivating and social training:

LXP's also have the specificity of being very efficient in social learning. This results in higher motivation and therefore higher commitment to training. Your more engaged teams are more likely to succeed in their training.

LMSs and LXPs are therefore very practical training tools, enabling a new organisation of training, thanks to digital and social learning.

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