
Digital Learning at a Turning Point: Evolution and Impact

Last Updated on
March 7, 2022
Alicja King

Written by : Olivier Clinckart for Planet Business

Teleworking was already in existence before the outbreak of the coronavirus, but it has become almost the norm in the last year. Companies have therefore had to adapt the training they offer to their employees.

The demand for such training quickly increased, with a clear preference for training catalogues, available in several languages and accessible at any time. However, as time went on, companies realised that making catalogues available to employees tended to be counterproductive. Indeed, faced with a catalogue containing between 10,000 and 15,000 training courses, how best to guide employees for whom the needs of one do not necessarily correspond to those of the other? Hence the importance of curating the content, i.e. pre-selecting it,

"Making training catalogues available to employees can be counterproductive. The company must select what is relevant." - Kevin Tillier, CEO of myskillcamp

Towards blended learning

Another trend that has developed is the creation of pathways. The company wishes to establish a business path during which the employee will move from one training course to another in order to draw on the relevant elements for his or her learning at each stage. It should be noted that the content of the course in question can also come from external sources: Youtube, Vimeo, blog articles, podcasts, etc. The important thing in this approach is that each company can centralise this content, aggregate it and filter it correctly for its employees when they connect to the platform. In this way, the approach is much more constructive and motivating for the learner, in the use of a tool that offers him or her a selection of hand-picked content from the outset. It is true that digitisation still raises fears and represents a substantial budget.

However, by necessity, face-to-face training budgets have been redirected to e-learning training budgets. This obstacle having been overcome, it has prompted companies to make a greater commitment to this area, with a desire to move towards hybrid or blended learning modes in the future, i.e. mixed learning made up of face-to-face (or video-conference) training linked to e-learning.

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