Next generation LXP

I want a proper system to store my company’s training courses. What should I choose?
There are many learning systems on the market that all do different things. That’s why we made an all-in-one platform, allowing you to store, create, teach and analyse in one place. It really is that simple.
Discover the platform


Myskillcamp is so much more than an LMS
illustration of myskillcamp's lxp
Give your learners a better user experience with more varied courses on an easy-to-use platform
Provide more interactive learning with the help of multimedia courses, chat functions and assessments
Build adaptive learning paths that are personalised to each learner, on scale
illustration of myskillcamp's lxp
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Skills Delivery Platform

Myskillcamp allows you to unlock a higher skillset from your learners
Use our authoring tools to create fully personalised and engaging training courses
Join courses together to create adaptive learning paths that help motivate and upskill learners
Supplement and strengthen your existing training with professional content from our marketplace
Excellente UX, fonctionnalités de collaboration et évolution de la plateforme. Retours positifs de l'équipe et des apprenants.
Super UX, collaboration facile et bonne évolution de la plateforme. L'équipe et les apprenants n'en disent que du bien. myskillcamp nous a permis d'économiser du temps dans la création des formations grâce à sa marketplace.
La plateforme est intuitive, fournit des statistiques, permet de suivre les progrès des apprenants en temps réel et le support est excellent.
Full Logistic Thuin
La plateforme est intuitive, fournit des statistiques, permet de traquer l'avancée des apprenants en temps réel et le support est très bon. En cas de besoin, je peux toujours contacter mon conseillé dédié qui arrive toujours à trouver une solution.
Facilité d'utilisation, expérience utilisateur, autonomie et super support client.
La plateforme est très facile à utiliser pour les apprenants, qui ont pu compléter leurs cours en autonomie après une courte introduction. Le support client a été super efficace pour aider nos créateurs de contenus à être opérationnels rapidement. On aime utiliser les Parcours de Formation qui permettent de suivre les progrès des participants et leur succès.
J'aime le concept de la plateforme et la liberté de créativité.
J'aime le concept de la plateforme et la liberté de créativité.
I like the concept of the software and the liberty of creativity.
I like the concept of the software and the liberty of creativity.
For trainees, the platform is really easy to use. In our case, trainees completed their courses autonomously after a very short introduction.
For trainees, the platform is really easy to use. In our case, trainees completed their courses autonomously after a very short introduction.
The platform is intuitive, provides statistics, allows to track learners' progress in real-time and the support is great.
Full Logistic Thuin
The platform is intuitive, provides statistics, tracks learner progress in real time and the support is very good. If necessary, I can always contact my dedicated adviser who always manages to find a solution.
Great UX, collaboration features and evolution of the platform. Positive feedback from the team and learners.
Great UX, easy collaboration and good evolution of the platform. The team and the learners only say good things about it. myskillcamp allows us to save time in creating training thanks to its marketplace.